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Support CTF at Work

Double the impact of your donations!

Matching Gifts

Double the impact of your donations! Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees. To find out if your employer has a matching gift policy, enter your company’s name in the employer search link below. Or contact your employer’s Human Resources department and ask whether your company matches employee donations to Children’s Tumor Foundation. CTF’s Federal Taxpayer ID is 13-2298956.

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

Please submit offline matching gift forms to:

Children’s Tumor Foundation
697 Third Avenue, Suite 418
New York, NY 10017
ATTN: Gift Processing

If you have any questions, please call 1-800-323-7938 or email

Workplace Giving Campaigns

Community Health Charities creates and manages workplace giving campaigns that enable employees across the country to donate through payroll deductions to the health charities of their choice. To support the Children’s Tumor Foundation, use CHC code #12197.

The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) consists of almost 200 individual campaigns across the United States and overseas enables government employees to support local and national charities through payroll deductions or one-time gifts. Each campaign has a unique list of eligible charities. Please consider giving to the Children’s Tumor Foundation as your charity of choice.

If you participate in the United Way (donor choice) campaigns, or if your company conducts its own workplace giving drive, designating the Children’s Tumor Foundation for your workplace contributions is an important way to help fund research to End NF.

If you need help setting up your workplace giving plan, please contact us at CTF and we can help!