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Young Investigator: Liyam Laraba

By September 15, 2020December 18th, 2023NF2-SWN, Science & Research

Earlier this year, we announced a $750,000 investment in promising young investigators, providing support to their innovative NF research projects. Now, we’re introducing some of these researchers: Liyam Laraba (University of Plymouth) tells us about life in a research lab and what this funding from CTF means to him.


What’s a typical day look like?

A typical day in the lab starts like most other people’s I imagine: I confirm my plans for the day and check my emails, then I usually have something on in the lab. I might be culturing cells, measuring levels of protein or performing assays to see how drugs are blocking tumor growth in our models. The day might include a lab meeting with my research group or we may have a journal club where we discuss the latest published NF research.

Have you read any papers or attended any webinars/virtual conferences recently that have informed your NF research? Or were particularly interesting?

I have attended two CTF conferences, one in-person and one virtually! Both conferences have allowed me to immerse myself in the NF community and have led to multiple collaborations, including my current YIA project.

What does it mean to you to receive this funding from CTF?

Knowing that my funding comes from the tireless work and fundraising of CTF motivates me more than ever to make progress in improving clinical outcomes for all NF patients. The funding that CTF provides for basic scientific research is crucial for my YIA project as well as many important others and I am very grateful for their funding.

What brought you to the NF research field?

I became involved in NF research during my PhD as I wanted to continue work in a certain signaling pathway following my Master’s degree, it just so happened that the project I chose for my PhD was looking at this pathway in the context of NF2-related tumors.

What do you like to do when you’re not in the lab?

I am fortunate enough to be based in Plymouth in the south-west of the UK so in my spare time I enjoy exploring around picturesque Devon and Cornwall, I’m also a keen sports fan, so whether it’s rugby, cricket or football (soccer), I’m probably watching it!


For more information about funding opportunities from the Children’s Tumor Foundation, click here.