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Stories of NF: Mehdi D.

By May 10, 2019February 5th, 2024NF1, Story of NF

Mehdi was diagnosed with NF1 when he was a child. He passed away in January 2018 at the age of 28. His sister, Samia, reached out to share his Story of NF.

Mehdi was a prankster and loved entertaining people. He loved to dress up and disguise himself to scare me most of the time. His favorite time of the year was around Halloween. His favorite artist was Michael Jackson.

In 2007, Mehdi came to live with me in Los Angeles where he attended New York Film Academy. He wanted to be an actor at first and then thought to direct instead. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting for Film in September 2015. Before graduating, one of the requirements was to make a short video. He made his about NF. Such an incredible video. I was so proud of him and everything he accomplished in so little time.

When he was around 12, he had a brain tumor that turned out to be benign. The doctor was able to remove it and, once again he never complained once. He had another in his torso that was also removed. Then, a sarcoma grew inside of his left thigh, and this time he didn’t take care of it right away. His leg was swollen and by the time my parents saw it, it wasn’t operable anymore, but we had no idea he would not survive. Especially me, I was in denial. I miss him so much. I want to help others realize how serious NF is. My goal is to create a foundation in my brother’s name.

Mehdi was the definition of a hero, a real fighter and so handsome. He never complained about anything; he was always helping others.

Unfortunately, Mehdi passed away last year. My family and I were not fully aware of the danger of NF. Mehdi lived a full life adored by so many. Gone way too soon.

-Samia, Mehdi’s sister


Motto I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy dat

Dream Vacation St. Moritz

Superpower Heal people