I was diagnosed with NF1 at the age of 25. At first, it did not affect me. I lived my life mostly symptom free. But as I got older I got more neurofibromas. Now at 57, I am disabled and I cannot work. As I write this, I can’t walk 10 steps with horrible pain. I’m having a full body MRI. I was hoping to get to retirement age and not be forced to retire early.
NF has made me a better person. I am more compassionate because I understand people when they are bullied or just need someone to talk to or to have answers. I am on Facebook for NF and will listen to people that just need to talk. When I go to different symposiums I can meet people that I am friends on Facebook. This helps all of us to get close and feel like an NF family. We can support each other and this really helps when we feel alone and depressed. If anyone is going thru a scare situation with them or family member. We can be compassionate and a good listener.
I have had to fight most of my life being bullied and feeling stupid at school, which is what my teachers told me. Well I was going to prove them wrong! I went to college, and that’s where I learned I had a learning disability; I’m not dumb.
I worked hard in college; I graduated with a 3.5 and made the Dean’s list. I also worked almost full-time with a full load at school. I worked for my state for 25 years; 20 of those years I worked in the laundry unit, cleaning for our disabled adult clients. Then I worked as a housekeeper to help people keep their homes clean. I was proud to do both. What makes me happy is family friends and believing in God.
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