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Stories of NF: Jaxon F

By March 28, 2023December 4th, 2023Awareness, NF1, Story of NF

Jaxon was diagnosed (with NF1) by genetic testing in February of 2020, right before Covid changed everything. It was terrifying, overwhelming, and so frustrating. After Jaxon’s first MRI, we learned at that time he had three tumors and Chiari malformation. That was the hardest news to get. We felt helpless. Since he has been diagnosed with seen additional tumors.

Jaxon wants nothing more than to be a police officer when he grows up. Jaxon collects police patches! He currently has over 500 from all over the world! Unfortunately with the placement of his tumors and some additional diagnoses; that dream may never become a reality for him.

Jaxon is a happy, funny, and caring seven-year-old second grader. He loves to build with Legos (police Lego city sets are his favorite!) and play video games!

Favorite Song
You Are My Sunshine

Dream Superpower
To be super fast!

Favorite Food
Pizza Rolls!

Jaxon recently submitted to our Make NF Visible Video Gallery! You can view his wonderful video below or at at this link.