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Stories of NF: Cassey B.

By October 29, 2021February 1st, 2024NF1, Story of NF

I was 7 years old when I was first diagnosed with NF. I am also the first in my family to be diagnosed with NF. Dyslexia is something that some people with NF struggle with and I never let my dyslexia stop me from achieving my educational goals. I currently hold an undergraduate degree and a master’s degree in English and Creative Writing. I have dreams of getting a Ph.D. and I have never let NF stop me from achieving my very best because it is only a small hurdle that I have.

Living with NF, I have always researched as much as I could to stay informed. I created an NF support page on Facebook called Neurofibromatosis Awareness that has thousands of members that provides a forum where anyone can express their questions, beliefs, or worries and find support in the group.

One of my hobbies includes doing various makeup artistic looks, it makes me happy. Makeup is a passion of mine and I don’t let the tumors on my face stop me from seeing myself as beautiful. I do have days where I may not feel as confident but I always place a little bit of makeup on and get an instant confidence boost. I also love my pets and all animals in general. I also love playing games, watching TV, movies, and learning new things about the world.


Quick Takes

Favorite Song

Girls like you – Maroon 5


Rome, Italy


I would like to control people’s perceptions in a way that can allow them to see more than their initial opinions. For example, they may see a person with NF as someone contagious. I’d like to be able to change their perception so they can understand the truth.