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Stories of NF: Amelia N.

By August 16, 2017February 5th, 2024NF2-SWN, Story of NF

Amelia was diagnosed with NF2 at the age of 4. We are constantly at doctors and very scared of anything new that comes up. Her brain tumor was malignant and a grade 3, which was very scary and turned our lives upside down. We have become stronger by keeping things positive, crossing bridges only when they appear, and keeping everything “yellow” (Amelia’s favorite color). We have become very vocal on spreading NF awareness and participate in the local NF Walk here.

Amelia is your typical 5-year-old. She loves learning to read, going to school, and being with her friends. She adores Elana of Avalor (a princess on Disney), dancing, singing, playing outside, helping her daddy in the barn milk the cows, and playing with her younger sister and brother. Her favorite color is yellow, and she loves unicorns!






Hobby Horseback riding

Favorite Food Pizza, especially on Fridays at school!