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Seeking China-Based NF1 Researchers for Collaboration with NIH!

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is offering grant support for a U.S.-China Biomedical Collaborative to supportresearch collaborations between an intramural NIH researcher (i.e. researcher employed at NIH) and a researcher based in China. The program will consider applications in a number of research areas but as always we’d love to see some of this money go to neurofibromatosis research!   NIH intramural researcher Dr. Douglas Stewart is seeking a collaborator in China to develop a research application focused on NF1.  Funds available are $100,000 to the NIH investigator and 300,000Renminbi (Chinese currency)the China-based researcher.Chinese co-investigators need to be current or former grantees of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Deadline for application is April 14 so act now! More information:contact