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Rep. John Murtha

By February 8, 2010December 4th, 2023Awareness

We mourn the loss of Congressman John Murtha, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, after complications from gall bladder surgery.

A former Marine Corps officer, Rep. Murtha was the first veteran of the Vietnam war elected to Congress in 1974, and focused on military affairs during his long and successful career in Congress.  As Chairman of the defense subcommittee of the House appropriations committee, he was a tireless advocate for our soldiers and their families.

Along with the breast, prostate, and ovarian cancer communities, the NF community owes Rep. Murtha a particular depth of gratitude.  Many of the key discoveries in NF have been made by projects supported by the Congressional Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP). Rep. Murtha was a key figure in establishing this program in the 90’s.  The program’s  impact on the health of our military and their families has helped millions of others who have benefited from this work.

The CDMRP is an excellent example of what the federal government can accomplish – the funding has been very well invested and has a history of success that continues to build.   Please visit our Advocacy page ( to learn more and find out how you can help preserve this vital program.

John Risner