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NIH to Take On Promising Abandoned Drugs for Benefit of Rare Diseases

By March 23, 2010December 18th, 2023Awareness, Science & Research

NIH has issued an Request for Information (RFI # NHLBI-NHGRI-2010-112) that could be of benefit to neurofibromatosis research and many other rare diseases.  Response Date is March 31. In short, the new NIH Therapeutics for Rare and Neglected Diseases program (TRND) is seeking to acquire full ownership of rare disease drug projects that may have been partially developed and then abandoned due to lack of resources. NIH is looking for drug discovery candidate compounds (especially small molecules), and associated intellectual property, associated analogs and know-how. NIH is interested in advancing a number of projects at its own cost through to the human clinical trials proof-of-concept stage. Programs and resources may be acquired from biotechnology companies, pharmaceutical companies, nonprofit organizations, universities, or other organizations. Based on the information submitted in response to this RFI, a Request for Applications (RFA) will be issued in May. For more informationclick here.