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NF2: State of The Art – Afternoon of Day 1

By May 4, 2010December 4th, 2023Awareness, NF2-SWN

After a packed morning and a very late lunch, this afternoon began with one of the most fascinating sessions of the conference, a presentation of individual challenging NF2 cases, and an expert panel discussion on how those patients should be managed. Debate developed around meningioma management, whether to intervene by removing a spinal tumor not currently presenting problems but with the potential to do so, and other topics. Interestingly with the emergence of bevacizumab as the first potentially promising drug therapy for NF2 (more on this tomorrow), discussions for the neurosurgeons are expanding beyond, ‘should we operate or watch and wait?’ to include ‘ would this patient be appropriate for the drug bevacizumab?’ It is exciting to hear surgeons thinking in this way, and as more candidate NF2 drugs come on line, potential alternatives to surgery will continue to expand.

The afternoon closed out with a presentation from Rachael Hornigold describing a new NF2 Severity Score being developed in the United Kingdom. The Score takes into consideration both clinician and patient measures; currently 31 questions, the Score aims to get down to just 10 questions making it easy to use by any clinic. Interestingly when interviewed, NF2 patients said the two factors impacting most on their lives were facial paralysis and balance, features they felt set them apart from other people.

More to follow! Follow us on Twitter for ‘live’ meeting updates!