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Nathalie Moll, Director General of EFPIA, Delivered the Opening Address at the Global NF Conference

“The community that looks after rare diseases, whether it’s scientists, patient communities, or industries, are really the pioneers and heroes of modern medicine.”

We’re proud to share these inspiring words (and video) from Nathalie Moll, Director General of EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries), who opened the 2024 Global NF Conference before 1,000 attendees in Brussels, Belgium. As she highlighted in her remarks, the collaborative efforts of patients, researchers, and the pharmaceutical industry are vital in propelling advancements in diagnostics, clinical trials, and, ultimately, the cures we strive for. Nathalie Moll emphasized that, “NF is really the perfect example that should be leveraged in discussions on implementing cancer plans and collaborations; NF has so many manifestations from very rare to more common. I am convinced that if we can crack rare diseases, we can crack anything because they are the most complicated scientifically as well as in terms of reaching those rare patients, not to mention the fact that they are often the most severe.”

At the Children’s Tumor Foundation, we are dedicated to fostering collaboration among patients, researchers, and industry to drive forward the search for cures. Our partnerships with pharmaceutical and other research-focused organizations are essential in advancing the NF field. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Nathalie Moll and organizations like EFPIA for their unwavering support and dedication.