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Foundation Invited to Speak on NF Drug Pipeline at NYC Investor Meeting

By November 6, 2009December 18th, 2023Awareness, Science & Research

The Children’s Tumor Foundation is delighted to announce that we are among a small number of medical research non-profits invited to speak at ‘Partnering for Cures’, to be held in New York City December 1-3.   Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Kim Hunter-Schaedle will give an overview of  the Foundation’s translational research programs to accelerate neurofibromatosis research to the clinic and identify effective drug therapies; and President John W. Risner will discuss the Foundation’s operations.

Partnering for Cures is a first-in-kind meeting that will bring together philanthropic investors, medical research foundations, and the biopharmaceutical industry in an effort to forge strategic collaborations key to the timely development of new medical solutions. Partnering for Cures is designed to include the goal-oriented style of  investor conferences, the networking element of biopharmaceutical industry “partnering” meetings, and the knowledge sharing that drives patient advocacy events. We are delighted to be participating in this event which is organized by FasterCures, an organization dedicated to catalyzing the advancement of medical solutions in part by driving collaboration between the non-profit and commercial sectors. More information will follow!
Meeting site: