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Congressional Compromise Provides Funding for NF Research

By December 21, 2011January 17th, 2024Press Release

House and Senate negotiators have agreed to include $12.8 million for NF research in
the 2012 Department of Defense budget. While this represents a cut from last year’s
funding level of $16 million, even more drastic reductions to NF research had been

George Orfanakos, President of the Children’s Tumor Foundation, praised NF
advocates for making their voices heard in Washington, particularly during the past two
months of budget negotiations.

“Only a full-court press from the NF community prevented further erosion of government
funding for a program that is critical to developing viable treatments for those with NF,”
he said.

The NF research funding has been included in the broader appropriations bill that is
being sent to President Obama for signature.