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Articles in NY Times and Wall St. Journal on drug discovery

By September 16, 2009December 18th, 2023Awareness, Science & Research

While NF is not mentioned, both of these articles help illustrate the challenges of drug discovery.    Feature article by Gardiner Harris on the front page of todays NY Times “Where Cancer Progress is Rare, One Man Says No”.

The article focuses on Dr. Richard Padzur, head of the FDA, and the challenges the FDA faces in approving new drugs.   I look forward to the day when there are NF drugs in front of the FDA for approval.

The Wall St. Journal yesterday had an article by Laura Landro on Gleevec (Imatinib), which is currently FDA for CML, but is being used off label for GIST, NF and other disorders. “Living with a Lifesaving Drug’s Side Effects”.
