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$16M Appropriated for NF Research

By April 15, 2011December 18th, 2023Science & Research

I am pleased to announce that Congress has appropriated $16 million for NF research for fiscal year 2011.  This research, conducted through the Department of Defense, is critical both to those living with the challenges of NF and the brave men and women serving our country.

As many of you know, research into treatments and cures for NF and its various manifestations has implications for those beyond the NF community.  Advancing our understanding of mast cells to stop tumor growth helps us understand how we may also speed wound healing for our war fighters.  Understanding the mechanisms of pain in NF can allow us to understand the signaling pathways that can block the pain our soldiers may face.  Imaging technologies advanced to understand NF tumor growth are proving essential in MRI volumetric imaging to the broader community, particularly our armed forces.

We are grateful that those serving in Congress recognize the importance of NF research for those serving our country, and those living with NF.  We know that the importance of NF research validates that recognition.