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13.750 million for CDMRP-NFRP funding in 2010

By December 21, 2009December 4th, 2023Awareness

With healthcare reform taking center stage in DC, the defense appropriations bill was pushed well beyond the new fiscal year that began on October 1st.

This year the House included $25 million in their version of the defense appropriations bill which was announced back in June.    This amount was reduced to $13.75 million during the conference process last week to reconcile the House and Senate versions of the bill.  Shortly after the Senate approved the final version of the bill President Obama signed it into law.

While the original $25 million was not preserved, the $13.75 million is a very welcome increase over the $10 million in fy 2009.  This increase comes at a great time, as NF research has made significant gains in the last several years, and is poised to translate these discoveries into new clinical trials.

Please take the time to thank your Representatives and Senators for preserving this vital research funding.
