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Family Funds

Showcasing the incredible efforts of families who have come together to support the fight against NF.

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What is a family fund?

A family fund is a dedicated fundraising initiative established by families to support a cause close to their hearts, in this case, the fight against NF. These funds are created to honor loved ones affected by NF and channel resources into research, awareness, and support to improve the lives of those living with neurofibromatosis and all types of schwannomatosis.

Each fund represents a unique journey of hope, resilience, and community spirit, highlighting the power of collective action in raising awareness and funds for vital research to end NF.

How do I start a family fund?

Creating a family fund allows you to invite friends, family, and colleagues to join your efforts to move the work of the Children’s Tumor Foundation forward.  Click the button below to get started.  If you have questions, email us at

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A family of five sits on a picnic blanket outdoors. The parents and one child wear shirts that say "I Know A Fighter;" the other two children wear shirts that say "Children's Tumor Foundation.

Current Family Funds

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