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Follow the Blog Next Week from the NF2 Meetings in Las Vegas!

By April 29, 2010December 4th, 2023Awareness

Next week Foundation staff will be at the House Ear Institute-convened meeting 'NF2: State of the Art' in Las Vegas. Top NF2 clinicans and researchers from around the world will be in attendance and we will bringing you updates daily on presentations and breaking news. The agenda topics will range from NF2 clinical management to use of auditory rehabilitation devices to NF2 drugs in preclinical testing development and of course the ongoing NF2 clinical trials. Immediately following (and partly overlapping with) 'NF2:State of the Art' the Foundation is hosting a smaller meeting 'NF2: State of the Trial'. This is a follow up to our landmark 2007 meeting that helped establish community-wide parameters forNF2 trials, charged up the field of NF2 clinical trials and led to the foundation  funding of the ongoing Johns Hopkins-led Phase Zero trial of Lapatinib. A couple of years on, 'NF2: State of the Trial' will ask what has been accomplished and what more the Foundation and other agencies can do now to further advance NF2 clinical trials. Be sure to sign up for what we hope will be an informative blog series, and leave a comment here if you have any feedback or questions!