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Research and Passion

By June 20, 2011December 18th, 2023Awareness, Science & Research

Coming off the heels of the NF Conference, I have been reflecting upon the experience of witnessing firsthand the passion of the world’s leading NF clinicians and researchers. It was amazing to see the true commitment they all share and the overwhelming spirit of collaboration. Somehow it was evident that their individual institutions took a backseat to learning and teaching each other their latest findings in NF research. The spotlight never  really focused on one person – but on a team of experts working together to find treatments.

I found myself many times wishing that all NF families and all of our supporters could see for themselves the focus and drive these individuals have. Yet, I understood how imperative it is for these people to live, eat and socialize amongst themselves in a secluded place for just these few days figuring out how they can work together and deciding the next steps towards treatments and a cure.

I thought it even more appropriate that as everyone returned to their homes and labs, the Children’s Tumor Foundaition staff went right back to work the very next day trying their best to support the research and tell the NF story to the world. The passion of the researchers is matched everyday by so many individuals who either live with NF or work on behalf of those who do. It is also seen in the commitment of four men and their crew as they journey across this nation -at this very moment – raising awareness and funds to support the crucial work that is being done. This Race Across America (RAAM) team embodies the same spirit of those researchers and clinicians that recently returned from Jackson Hole, WY. Like them, they know that they cannot accomplish this feat alone. They need each other.  For encouragement, support and inspiration.

For me, there can be no better understanding of what we do at the Foundation then the events of this past week. It just shows us all one more time that we can accomplish great things. But perhaps the greatest lesson is this: we cannot do it alone – and we need each other.