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UCLA Study on Cognition and Memory in NF1 Seeks Participants

By May 29, 2013December 5th, 2023Awareness

If your child has NF1 and is between the ages of 7 and 16, he or she may be eligible for a new study at UCLA. This study may be of special interest to parents of children with NF1 and learning disabilities, or other issues with cognition and memory. The researchers are offering reimbursement for travel to Los Angeles.

You can find details about the study through the NF Registry. To register, go to and create an account using your contact information. Then fill out a questionnaire about your child’s NF-related history and symptoms. Be sure to indicate in the questionnaire that you would like to be contacted through the Children’s Tumor Foundation about studies that may be of interest to you.

Joining the NF Registry is free and will give you access to news about research studies, advances in neurofibromatosis treatment, and perspective on how others with NF compare to you.