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CTF Research Announcements: DDIRR deadline extension and DELopen program with Wuxi

The Children’s Tumor Foundation is deeply committed to funding promising and innovative research that has the potential to translate quickly into new clinical treatments. This year, we’ve given our Investigator-initiated award programs an extra boost, and as a result, we are extending the deadline for submission of the Letter of Intent (LOI) for the CTF Drug Discovery Initiative Registered Reports Awards (DDIRR) to December 31, 2019 (from its current due date of October 21).

You may submit your LOI anytime until the end of the year. More details are available here:

We are also happy to report that we are putting the final touches on a collaboration with WuXi AppTec and their DELopen (DNA-encoded library) program, which will provide the NF research community the opportunity to access this technology. The DELopen Program at WuXi aims to broaden the use of the DEL technology in biomedical research and drug discovery by providing free access to the DEL library and promoting data sharing. Through DELopen, researchers and institutions will have access to 2.8B+ compound screening technology to find chemical matter entry points for their specific target(s).

If you are interested in accessing this technology, you may apply for a Drug Discovery Initiative In-vitro Award (up to $40K) that will provide access to the DNA-Encoded Library Open program at WuXi, and conduct the screening and identification of hits. Please stay on the lookout for full details on this soon.

If you are interested in either funding opportunity, or wish to know more, please also feel free to contact the Foundation’s Chief Scientific Officer Salvatore La Rosa at