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Recruiting adults for new resiliency support group starting in December

The Integrated Brain Health Clinical and Research Program is currently recruiting adults with NF for the Resiliency for NF Study, an 8 week program to enhance stress and symptom management.

For the past 5 years, we have worked closely with CTF and the larger NF community and developed resiliency programs for adults, adolescents and adults with NF2 who are deaf. These resiliency programs teach skills to manage stress and NF symptoms, but are tailored for the unique needs of adults, adolescents and adults with NF2 who are deaf. We have evidence that past participants liked the programs, completed all sessions, and experience improvement in quality of life, well-being, anxiety and pain. All programs are delivered via live video, to decrease burden associated with travel to clinic.

Because of these promising findings, the Department of Defense has funded us to replicate our study with a larger sample of adults with NF1, NF2 and schwannomatosis. We are now testing 2 resiliency programs, both delivered via video in groups, to see which one works best in improving quality of life, well-being, anxiety, depression and pain. We will next work with CTF and other NF clinics to make the best of the 2 programs available to all patients with NF.

Please consider participating and helping us help you and the larger community of adults with NF improve quality of life and well-being. Group times are flexible and you can participate from the comfort of your home. We will be starting new groups in December, so please reach out soon if you’d like to potentially participate!

Please see the flyer for more details, or contact Study Coordinator Mira Reichman at or Principle Investigator Ana-Maria Vranceanu, PhD at