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Stories of NF: Lauren S.

By December 21, 2021December 4th, 2023NF1, Story of NF

I was first diagnosed in 1986 when I was only a year old. My parents noticed that they were having difficulty getting shirts over my head and mentioned it to my pediatrician. It was then that my pediatrician noted my cafe au lait spots and referred us to the Children's Hospital in Washington DC. Since then, I have had several neurofibromas removed and have scoliosis because of my NF which causes a lot of pain due to my back and inflammatory issues. While I do have a child (who does not have NF) I am definitely hesitant to have more children because I don't want to pass it down.

My personal motivation is to fight for people who are worse off than me. I have a fairly mild case, all things considered. I'm able to be a voice for people who aren't as fortunate. I'm able to raise awareness and explain that just because I have a genetic condition, I'm not broken.  

A little bit about me is that I currently work in the service department for a car dealership. I enjoy reading, sewing, and crocheting. I'm an avid equestrian, I was actually nationally ranked in high school! I have 2 dogs, a Min Pin, and a Labrador puppy. My 10-year-old daughter is my pride and joy. Lastly, I am a HUGE Steelers fan!


Quick Takes


I Am Enough.

Favorite Song

Hallelujah by Jeff Cohen




Time Travel