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NFE Athlete Spotlight: Abraham Alarcon

Abraham Alarcon discovered cycling as a child. Now, he rides with the Children’s Tumor Foundation NF Endurance team to raise money and awareness on behalf of his son, who lives with NF. Abraham took a pause from a recent ride to answer a few questions. 

A person wearing sunglasses and a white helmet is dressed in a cycling jersey that reads "Children's Tumor Foundation NF Endurance." The sky in the background is clear and blue.What does cycling mean to you? How did you “discover” cycling?

Cycling is freedom and discovery on wheels. Moving on a bike through the streets of NYC is a unique and wonderful experience. The action, sights, sounds, and even smells engulf the senses. I feel alive when I bike!

I discovered riding as a kid. My father taught me at a young age, and I rode my bike everywhere. Riding a bike is an essential activity and very good for the environment too!

Tell us about your son’s NF journey.

My son Matthew, now 22, has always been active in sports. He has played soccer, basketball, and football. At age 10, his pediatrician noticed a series of cafe au lait spots on the left side of his body and suggested we take a closer look. After meeting with a geneticist and conducting a DNA test, Matthew was diagnosed with NF1. We are grateful that he has lived a healthy life with no major complications except some learning challenges. My wife and I have always kept him informed and supported his sports and studies goals. He is currently enrolled at Mercy University, majoring in Psychology.

What does it mean to you to race (and fundraise) with the NF Endurance team?

As a parent, I wish for my son to be happy and healthy so he can live his best life. I do my part by riding and raising funds with the NF Endurance Team to create a better world for Matthew and others living with NF.

What’s a great piece of cycling advice that you received? 

Ride for fun, for competition, or a cause; no matter why you ride, just ride.

Movement is an essential human activity. Biking is one great way you can move!

Is there anything else you want to share?

Riding is a great experience, and pedaling for the NF Endurance Team makes it all the more special, especially when we want to change the world.

Visit for a list of upcoming events with the NF Endurance team!